There is an interesting story by Daniel Johnson, Daily Telegraph, which cites Stephen Dubner, co-author of the best selling book, Freakonomics, which suggests that the McDouble “packs a better nutritional punch for the penny” than is often assumed.

The double cheeseburger provides 390 calories, 23 grams of protein – half a daily serving – seven per cent of daily fibre, 19 grams of fat and 20 per cent of daily calcium, all for between $1 and $2, or 65p and £1.30, The Times reported.

Kyle Smith, a New York Post columnist, threw his support behind the McDouble’s nutritional value for money.

“For the average poor person, it isn’t a great option to take a trip to the farmers market to puzzle over esoteric lefty-foodie codes”, Mr Smith wrote.

“Facts are facts – where else but McDonald’s can poor people obtain so many calories per dollar?”

So there you have it, the McDouble.