Two California politicians have introduced bills that are meant to stop the construction of the border wall. California State Senator Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) and Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher (D-San Diego) have introduced Senate Bill 30 (SB 30) and Assembly Bill 946 (AB 946), which is called the Resist the Wall Act, in response to the border wall construction plans. The bills will essentially punish companies that work on the border wall. SB 30 would prevent the state from working with any company or person that works on the border wall and AB 946 would strip California’s pension funds from companies that work on the border wall. Seth Kaplowitz, an attorney and lecturer on business law at San Diego State University, stated:

The rational for this law is, basically, a protest. The (California) government will have to show there is some type of harm that the state will suffer if this wall is erected as it’s proposed. I don’t know if they can meet that burden or not.

23 companies, out of the almost 460 companies, that submitted proposals to build the wall were from San Diego County.

However, according to Kaplowitz, the bills could be unconstitutional because they could violate the equal protection clause in the United States Constitution, which would mean a lengthy legal battle in the near future.

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